The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2354850
Posted By: Teribus
02-Jun-08 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
"To the zionists out there ...have you no shame?
It is the Israelis who are responsible for the overwhelming carnage and suffering going on in Gaza and the West Bank." - Guest Albert

Well for a start Guest Albert I am not a "Zionist" merely an observer with an interest in history. The question I would ask of you, and those who post here on this subject in the same vein as yourself - Have you no commonsense?

Now please correct me if I am wrong here Guest Albert but isn't the "Palestine" that all the fuss is about now (June 2008) the same "Palestine" that was offered to the "Palestinians" by the UN on 29th November 1947?

Recorded reaction to the UN Partition Plan were as follows:

"The partition plan was rejected out of hand by the leadership of the Palestinian Arabs and by most of the Arab population. Most of the Jews accepted the proposal, in particular the Jewish Agency, which was the Jewish state-in-formation.

Meeting in Cairo in November and December of 1947, the Arab League then adopted a series of resolutions aimed at a military solution to the conflict."

That being the case, plain and simple, the application of commonsense would lead to the rather obvious observation that if the "Palestinians" had accepted the UN Partition Plan in 1947 then not a single person would have died. It then becomes equally obvious as to who has been responsible for the carnage and suffering that has happened in the region for the last 60 years.