The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2354913
Posted By: Teribus
02-Jun-08 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Sorry Guest Botox (Yet another one-post Guest Mushroom) what was your take on it? You forgot to answer the very simple question put:

"...isn't the "Palestine" that all the fuss is about now (June 2008) the same "Palestine" that was offered to the "Palestinians" by the UN on 29th November 1947?"

In actual fact the "Palestinians" are currently fighting and killing people in the region enthusiastically abetted by both Syria and Iran for a "Palestinian" State that is somewhat smaller than what they were offered in 1947.

Now where in the process of that Partition Plan offered in 1947 was anyone required to, "lay down, roll over and accept their new masters" - There would have been two independent states, the "Palestinians" would then surely have been masters of their own destiny.

In short from a "Palestinian" perspective it boils down to 60 years of grief and bloodshed for less than you were offered in the first place - Great leadership, great vision, what an example of good civil governance, direction and forward planning. Surely they deserve an award for the diligence they have shown in looking after the best interests of the people who were mug enough to vote for these cretins.

But then Bo/David/Albert/Zack/Hugo - go and read the respective "Charters" of Hamas and Hezbollah and take in everything stated. Neither are interested in 1947 Partition Plan offers, 1949 Armistice Boundary Agreements, pre-1967 Boundaries, or any of the other agreements struck with Israel - Their clearly stated goal is the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of its people. That and that alone is the cause of the conflict.