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Thread #111301   Message #2354962
Posted By: Teribus
02-Jun-08 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Just to introduce a touch of reality into your world Guest Botox

Please stop referring to that illegal phrase "Israel" - Recognised as an independent sovereign state with all rights and privileges associated with that status by the United Nations. There is nothing illegal about Israel whatsoever. You might not like it for whatever reason but your wishing it to be illegal does not make it so.

"They have no right to occupy Palestine." - Really? Where is that written Guest? I can quote at least one internationally agreed document that clearly states that they do have the right to settle in Palestine with the boundaries of Palestine being clearly described (Whole of present day Israel, the whole of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank).

Still you refuse to answer the question, I'll ask again:

"...isn't the "Palestine" that all the fuss is about now (June 2008) the same "Palestine" that was offered to the "Palestinians" by the UN on 29th November 1947?"

Simple Yes, or No would suffice.

You also ducked this one:

"What gives you the right to be wherever you are?"

Did the Jewish population of Hebron have right to live there Guest?

Just to refresh your memory they were "ethnically cleansed", well at least the ones that weren't murdered were, from the town of Hebron in Palestine in 1929 after having lived there quite peacefully for 800 years. You say that they had no right to be there?

" Mexico does not grant the US the 'right to exist' on half of Mexico's territory, gained by conquest"

I didn't realise that Mexico was in any sort of dispute with the USA over Texas, New Mexico and California - Or are you trying to tell us that all the illegal aliens crossing the border are in reality Mexico's equivalent of Jihadists infiltrating the US to win freedom for the people of Texas, New Mexico and California, and return those territories to Mexico. If so, I note that they at least are no so keen on "Right of return" aka "Deportation", any explanation for that Guest Botox.

"I suspect that this demand was contrived to bar the possibility of a political settlement in accord with the international consensus that the US and Jews have rejected for thirty years."

Matter of record the only people who have rejected settlements for the last 60 years have been the "Palestinian Arabs" and their backers.