The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111692   Message #2356326
Posted By: open mike
03-Jun-08 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: USA hymn book query
Subject: RE: USA hymn book query
It is good to know that "All Through the Night" and The Ash Grove are from Welsh roots. Good luck with your project, and I hope the Smithsonian Folklife Festival goes well. When and Where is it to be?
The Smithsonian sponsored some festivities at a local museum centered around the development of different types of food in different ages.

They hold a National Folk Festival, this year's one is in Butte Montana.
I guess this video is of a regional festival, not the national one sponsored by Smithsonina...
here is the national smithsonian one in Butte MT, july 10-12 2008 It will be held there for 3 years
2008-2010 (Alice will you be involved??!!)