The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111625   Message #2356598
Posted By: glueman
03-Jun-08 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: English Folk Degree?
Subject: RE: English Folk Degree?
In answer to Peter Beta, I'm too old and ugly to care about people's politics enough to take them to task over it. I do resent a music form I hold dear being used as a Trojan horse to explore national identity in its more negative and macabre forms. Visionaries like Blake could hold the land sacred at the same time as looking beyond its boundaries, real and metaphorical. Imagined villages, like imagined nations are all very well but it depends on what they imagine, surely?
There are only so many threads you can open with a subtext of aren't we great, isn't everyone else trying to put us down and what should we be doing about it before goodwill evaporates.