The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111709   Message #2356745
Posted By: Soldier boy
03-Jun-08 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: Robin Hoods Bay Folk Weekend
Subject: RE: Robin Hoods Bay Folk Weekend
Thanks for that Lowden.
Herga Kitty, sorry there are TWO threads now for Robin Hoods Bay but I think if you check posting times you will see that I posted first and before I started this thread I checked through 3 days of postings to see if anyone else had raised the subject and no one had.
Just a minor detail.
So who's going then? I went to this weekend last year and it was a really good do and was hoping there would be a good turn out again.
Let's hear from people who ARE going and not from people who are so awfully busy elsewhere.....please.