The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111625   Message #2357303
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
04-Jun-08 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: English Folk Degree?
Subject: RE: English Folk Degree?
do you accept that there is a difference between questioning immigration/the multicultural state and being racist. I.e: someone who does question immigration may OR MAY NOT be racist

Of course I bloody don't; no one in their right minds would. The questioning of immigration and the multi-cultural state is racist by default otherwise it just wouldn't be an issue, as, in truth, it isn't with most people who understand the cultural & economic realities of modern England & embrace the consequent ethnic diversity - sorry: multi-culturalism. If you weren't racist, you'd make bloody sure there was no such ambiguity in your published philosophy. Not only does such ambiguity exist, however, it is outed on every thread & forum you turn up on.    People who struggle against racism do not do so by opposing immigraton & ethnic diversity (sorry - multi-culturalism); and they certainly do not throw out such overtly racist rhetoric as:

English culture is taking a hammering and, when people lose their own culture, society suffers.

Apart from anything else, in no way, shape or form is English culture taking a hammering; no one is losing anything & the only sickness in society is racism & its divisive consequences. Try applying some of that anthropological methodology to your understanding of English society; you've only lived here eleven years for Christ's sake - I've lived here all my life and every day I'm finding out something new.

To conclude, having a philosophy of life is all very well, but when that philosophy is so obviously at odds with every aspect of reality it purports to deal with, then why bother with it at all? What gives you the impression that anyone else is bothered? Do I detect a subversive subtext? A man with a mission? Or just a misanthropic malcontent who likes to piss people off to get a reaction? I find it odd that there's none of this in your public persona, WAV - Aussie Dave, the affable cove with his carefully mannered taciturn approach to folk clubs and singarounds, who would never dare question that Jewish-Irish-Northumbrian guy for daring to sing a traditional Scottish ballad to an American tune whilst accompanying himself on an antique Hungarian zither.

There, I have been frank & open with you. Please do likewise, WAV - with no quotes from your already published prose & verse.

I'm off out now to Manchester, back in the morning.