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Thread #111742   Message #2357352
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jun-08 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama '08
Subject: RE: BS: Obama '08
Expect more politics as usual, Stilly.

I would be delighted to be surprised by that not happening, but I have my doubts.


Now, there is one way possible that the Bush-Cheney cabal can still retain power beyond 2008, and it worries me....that is the possibility of another "terrorist" attack, and a really big one, that's how. Something as bad or worse than 911. If that happens, it won't be Iran or Osama Bin Laden that did it or any other country that did it, but Iran will get the blame for it. No, it won't be Islamic people at all who did it...if it happens. And then Bush will declare martial law, he will declare a state of continuing emergency that will not be lifted, and the elections will be suspended.

That is the final extremity of madness left to Bush and Cheney if they wish not to let go of power.

Do I think they're capable of something like that? Maybe...

Let's hope not. I will breathe a big sigh of relief the day that Bush and Cheney and their entire team leave the White House for good.

And I will then prepare for more "politics as usual". That would be much preferable to the Bush & Cheney coup.