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Thread #111748   Message #2357749
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jun-08 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama/____________ '08???
Subject: RE: BS: Obama/____________ '08???
You can be human whether you like it or not. But can you be "Muslim" whether you like it or not? LOL! Obama is forced to be Muslim because his father was one???

And you say "Calling people ignorant because they know "the truth"????? What the heck is "the truth"? Who actually knows THE TRUTH? I know a of people think they do....

Well, it's a matter of opinion, right? And what is that opinion based ON? Opinions are based mostly on things people have been told by other people...who were told the same thing by other people...who were told the same thing by other people...trace that back to the very first time it was told in some ancient book and you go a looooooong way back!

So all people are doing is what a parrot does. They were told to say "Polly want a cracker!" and they say it over and over again. They were told to say "I pledge allegiance to the flag..." and they say it over and over again. They were told that "If you're born a Muslim, you're always a Muslim", and they believe it and say it over and over again. They were told that "All Jews think about is money" and they believe that too and say it over and over again.

Now list about 22,000 other stupid parrot-like things people are repeating over and over again because someone else told them to!!!

So, pdq, why would you choose to support a few million Polly Parrots who are repeating the notion that "If you're born to a Muslim father, you're always a Muslim"???? Why would you choose to believe that or give it any credence?

Because it's convenient to the argument you are engaged in right now, that's why. ;-) If you were arguing the opposite, you would laugh at the notion.

And you accuse Obama of hypocrisy???? Gad, man, take note of the beam in your own eye!

Obama is anything he wishes to be. If he wishes to be Christian, he is Christian, for as long as he wishes to be Christian and no longer. If he acts like "one of them" when he's visiting a Muslim community (meaning he dons some of their cultural clothing as a sign of friendship and respect for their culture)...he's not doing anything different from what thousands of politicians have been doing since time immemorial. He's attempting to create some goodwill.

Goodwill is something we could use a lot more of these days, specially between Christians and Muslims and Jews, wouldn't you say?

I was born to atheists, pdq. Now I have developed some spiritual beliefs over the years, but not in connection with any specific church or organized religion. Ain't I lucky? You cannot polly-parrot me as being a member of any specific religion, and that gives me a freedom that I am quite glad to have. But I bet it would get in the way if I was running for office in the USA. Yup, it could be a real impediment, I'm thinking. I might almost be forced to join some Christian congregation or else face the fact that I was unelectable.

The notion that Obama has no choice about whether or not he is (technically) a Muslim!...good Lord!!! Get serious, man. He is a human being, and human beings are all supposed to be FREE! That means free of someone else's stereotyping as to who and what they are. THEY decide who and what they are.