The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111717   Message #2358540
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jun-08 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: General Comments on Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: GeneralComments on PresidentialCampaign
"God help him" is simply a cultural expression, Riginslinger. It means, "I hope he makes it through somehow, despite the very long odds."...but it's quicker and easier to say.

Here are a few more:

"God knows" - means "I haven't got a frikkin' clue about that"

"God willing" - means "If my luck holds. Got my fingers crossed on this one..."

"Good lord!" - means "Holy shit!" or "Say whattttt??????"

"Heaven knows" - See definition of "God knows" above.

"Jesus H. Christ!" - see definition of "Good lord!" above...

Now if you find any of them objectionable on atheist grounds I seriously suggest you seek emotional counseling... ;-)