The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111625   Message #2358704
Posted By: Phil Edwards
05-Jun-08 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: English Folk Degree?
Subject: RE: English Folk Degree?
One final comment, then I'm going to dump this thread from the Tracer and try to forget it ever happened.

WAV, today: immigration is not the subject of this thread, but, when people have asked, I have made brief attempts to answer

This is untrue. Here's the first reference to immigration in this thread:

I love our world being multicultural, and think positive nationalism (with eco-travel and fair-trade, rather than yet more conquest and immigration) is the best way forward
WAV, three days ago

Third reference to immigration in this thread:

racism is where we say they are all like this or that, which I have never done. Questioning immigration, loss of culture, and the idea of trying to have a multiple number of cultures living under the one state law are other matters.
WAV (who else), two days ago

(Second reference: that would be me, in response to the first quote above: WAV, if you say another word about immigration we will have the repatriation argument again, and that's a promise.)

After starting this thread, WAV chose to bring his views on immigration into it. He was warned to drop the topic and told that other posters saw his views as racist. Nobody asked him to give us his views on immigration; when he did, nobody asked him to explain himself. To begin with nobody asked him anything, except to keep his views on the subject to himself. It was only because he was unwilling - or unable - to do this that we got into the pile-up we've just seen.

Now, away with this thread. Let's talk about something more interesting - ooh, I don't know, folk music or something.