The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111650   Message #2358885
Posted By: Ed T
05-Jun-08 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: Women and church crime
Subject: RE: Women and church crime

You say "Please don't view my perspective on the rights of women and homosexuals as "mere political correctness." That's not my belief. I think these rights are very important - but I think they may be more permanent and effective if these rights are accepted and blessed by Catholics rather than imposed upon them".

I wonder where human rights in the free world (including your country) would be today if the same "move slow and appease the conservatives" approach was taken with slavery?

You refer to liberalism within some protestant sects as polarizing the face of Christianity.   Consoider that the opposite, no real change to appease conservatives (many older), and ignoring individual practice within the RC church is making it redundant? I suspect the impact would be greater with yourth, which I may lead to polarization, or younger folks leaving christianity altogether?

Thanks for the interesting conversation and perspective from "kind of" within.