The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111572   Message #2359152
Posted By: Polite Guest
06-Jun-08 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
I'm afraid to say that the one-sided pre-occupation to seemingly damn Israel in almost every post, by one particular poster, is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. There's a myriad of reasons why the USA does not have a proper health system, why are they not being mentioned as well? A new thread is needed for that purpose perhaps.

On Patch Adams:

"I see he's not really any closer to accomplishing his goal now than he was back then. I don't think he is the answer to the problem of millions of people in the US not having health care."

Really? Then you do him a grave injustice, for he will accomplish his dream, and if that dream is not fulfilled in his lifetime, then he knows it will be achieved for him, by those who will continue to fight to make it happen. He is changing the system, not only from without, but from within. It is not only money that will change it, but a change in the views of many doctors too. He is getting people to let go of the old ways of thinking, that being, that medicine is about money and nothing else. Many young medical students now have a strong desire to change the greedy system, after listening to Patch talk, learning about what he is doing, seeing how hard he is fighting.

"....I'm in the 37th year of our hospital project. I thought it was going to take 4 years to build....I'm in the 37th year and I haven't started building the building. Every day I get *more* enthusiastic for it, I *never* get discouraged, or feel it's been hard or difficult, because I know it's the right thing to do......" - Patch Adams - taken from the video below.(The first 40 seconds, are in Brazilian, after that, Patch delivers his highly illuminating and inspirational reply.)

Patch Adams - A Revolutionary Way of Thinking

He is changing the outlook from 'money' to 'love' However, until the American people themselves choose to run with that, they will have a system which continues to de-sensitise and de-humanise, and that has nothing to do with Israel.