The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21936   Message #235970
Posted By: Hollowfox
30-May-00 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: I hate to be nit-picking but... (nit-picking songs
Subject: RE: BS: I hate to be nit-picking but...
It's not musical, but one of those novelty "egg timers" from Spencer's (mall-type gift/novelty/head shop) help to pass the waiting period with the shampoo. You'll know what I mean when you see them (the timers, I mean); instead of sand, they're filled with fluids of different colors that don't mix. Some have a ramp for the little beads of (whatever it is) to run down, some have little "water wheels", some have two different colors, one flowing up and one flowing down. We've had two bouts with the creatures over the years, and I was in no mood to sing either time. BTW, I don't have the faith TerriM has in shampoo alone; I'd comb thoroughly, just to be sure. No turpentine, though, I'm not that old-fashioned.