The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111748   Message #2359779
Posted By: kendall
06-Jun-08 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama/____________ '08???
Subject: RE: BS: Obama/____________ '08???
George Bush is the worst president ever. John McCain is of the same ilk, that is, endless war, anti choice, and high prices due to the value of the dollar that is caused by deficit spending in the trillions.

Obama is not a Muslim. He is an avowed Christian. If he had switched religions, he would have been killed before now.
What his pastor said is on his pastor, not him. My own brother is a homophobe; does that mean I should disavow him? Am I responsible for what he says? Especially if I wasn't even present when he said it?
As usual, we have to settle for whatever the parties hand us, and as far as I'm concerned, Obama is the lesser of two evils.He will do the least damage.Will we ever wake up to the fact that both parties are owned by corporate America?
Get real.