The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111844   Message #2359877
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jun-08 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo's Bow-out date contest...
Subject: BS: Chongo's Bow-out date contest...
So, when do you figure that Chongo is gonna throw in the towel...or would it be the banana peel?...and finally give up his run for the presidency?

He hasn't shown any tendency to quit yet. Chongo is not a quitter. To the contrary, the American Primate Party has only stepped up its campaign in recent days, holding big rallies in seven different major centres from Boston, Massachussets to Portland, Oregon. Working from his original base in the Chicago area, Chongo has branched out across the country, spreading the word "through the grapevine" to restless chimpanzees, gorillas, baboons, orangutans, bonobos, and monkeys of all well as human beings who are looking for a real alternative to "business as usual" in Washington, D.C.

From the way the mainstream media has blacked them out, you'd think the APP didn't even exist! Well, tell that to the 25,000 screaming apes and monkeys who showed up to greet Chongo when his bus pulled into Boise, Idaho earlier today. I bet most people don't even know there are 25,000 simians in Boise.

Still, the pundits are inclined to discount Chongo's popular support and one described his campaign as "a Quixotic and futile exercise driven by a gigantic ego that is out of touch with reality". If questioned, they say he has no chance of being elected and will surely face the inevitable and call off his campaign before Labor Day.

I'm bettin' he'll hang in a lot longer than that.

Anyone care to make a prediction?

Get up out of your chair and call 1-800-APE-2008 or go to the website and make your pledge now! Send small denomination unmarked bills, please!

Yes, donate to the APP now and put a REAL chimp in the White House for a change! (we've had quite enough of the ersatz chimps)