The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89754   Message #2359945
Posted By: GUEST,Shite English Poet
07-Jun-08 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: Walkaboutsverse
Subject: RE: Walkaboutsverse
heres a fragment
of a newly unearthed
unknown epic heroic
poem recently uncovered
from an exavation
in a peviously unexplored
latrine in Glastobury
bmy arse stings like a bumblebee
and floats like butterfly
on yonder soft inflated cushion
But tis days of yore
when strong men with swords
doth pop their swollen bum veins
and squeezeth blood
in golden chalice
Drink up brave warriors
Drink up King says
tomorrow we do fight
and die
or stop off bus
and go to shops
and visit chemist
to ask strange alchemist
for soothing
pile cream
I will not mount horse
I dare not straddle saddle
is evil curse betwixt my bum
you will not fight for God nor King ?
you will not challenge foreign foe ?
No I am no coward
I am true ENGLISH man
Though my bum hole
do hurteth so
I will fight and die for thee
Well if you are true blood
English Knight
then Doctors note
be right and true.
Brave English warrior
sit on you steed
with blow up cushion
neath thy bum
are no shame to king
or crown
thy are an ENGLISHMAN

It is without doubt a very shite poem
with absolutely no artistic merit whatsoever..

But it is none the less an ENGLISH poem

so up yours Mr Anywhere else apart from ENGLAND !!!!