The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39187   Message #2360515
Posted By: Joe Offer
08-Jun-08 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: Les Chansons de la France
Subject: RE: Les Chansons de la France
New tunes posted by Monique:

Click to play LE_CURE__DE__POMPONNE


<Click to play FAIRE__PIPI__SUR__LE__GAZON

If I understand correctly, this one tune is for three songs in the thread, "Y'a une pie dans le poirier/pommier" / "Y'a un rat" / "J'fais pipi sur le gazon "

Thanks, Monique. Did I get that correct?


Now, this one sounds to me just like "J'fais pipi sur le gazon," so I'm a bit confused.

Click to play YA__UNE__PIE