The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111717   Message #2361838
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Jun-08 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: General Comments on Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: General Comments on Presidential Campaign
Rig, you keep referring to longshoremen. Just how many longshoremen do you know in southern Oregon? lol Lots of college professors maybe.

Frankly I don't care for the class divisions that some people cling to even is this country. I recognize that there probably is a difference in lifestyle, aspirations and politics between the hunter and trapper who dropped out of high school and the professor with a doctorate but in this day of computers and instant communication the difference may not be as great as you think.

In Juneau, Alaska, when I was conducting tours at a house museum a tourist said to me, I have to tell someone about this.

I'm a lawyer as it happens, he said, so I went into your court building just to see what you have. I'm on vacation so I wore this Tshirt and jeans, he said, indicating the Tshirt resplendent with a surfing scene.

He said, I was looking around and a man in a suit and tie rushed up to me and said, pointing to my shirt, I've surfed there!

So we talked about surfing in out of the way places and finally he invited me to go have coffee and introduced himself. It was Alaska Superior Court Judge Carpeneti.

And he marveled, That judge didn't know I was a lawyer. What kind of people are you!