The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111918   Message #2362261
Posted By: DebC
10-Jun-08 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Performers and Sat Nav
Subject: RE: Performers and Sat Nav
I got my TomTom as a gift and it is DEFINITELY one of the best tools that I have ever had. Mine has maps of the USA and Western Europe so I bring it with me on tour in the UK.

Due to "aging eyes"and before I got the the TomTom, I had to write out directions with a big black Sharpie-type pen. Since I take my driving seriously and cannot multi-task, I would have to pull over, read the directions, memorise the next two or three steps, then proceed. I'd have to repeat this process a number of times.

With the TomTom, it talks to me and tells me what exit to take, where to turn, etc.

It's amazing that I made it through all the touring I do without my sat-nav. I highly recommend getting one.

Debra Cowan