The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21991   Message #236268
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
31-May-00 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: What is it with the English?
Subject: RE: What is it with the English?
I thought so Shambles.

I did find a good 'Irish' session in one pub, actually there were two sessions in the one pub.

It was a nice pub too.

Though I did go into the hotel up from the Four Seasons pub, and sat in on a session there. But to be honest they were all so far up their own behinds in that session that they were not being inclusive.

They ignored newcomers, even to the extent to turn their backs on us and others. Played the same tunes over about 3 different times. And were just not friendly. It was the most bad vibed session ever.

Whereas the Old Road tavern, had a lovely friendly inclusive atmostphere. Alot of the musicians there I knew already from all over the place (I get around).

And the music was excellent, and whoever you were sat next to were friendly chatty and into introducing themselves. Poles apart from the unfriendly session round the corner.

And Jo. I know that there are women morris dancers, the term Morris Men is just an easy descriptive generalisation, and there is just not enough time to get PC about this or we start getting silly.

I know quite a few women who are morris dancers.

And to say that English people don't know alot about their heritage is a huge sweeping generalisation, and simply is not true.

The whole matter just doesnt boil down to whether an English person can pin point one day in the diary for St Georges day, there is a larger heritage to understand. And that being the case I think you have a very poor view of how much English people understand.

As for trying out Morris Dancing. Thanks but no thanks, not for me, I will stick to my own tradition, Irish dancing. I am not turnin up my nose at it - it's another form of folk expression - and for those who do it you can see the enjoy it.

I just think it looks funny with the costumes (of loads of different types) and all in all the music, and the dancing is just a little to stayed for my liking.

At the end of the day, it is all down to personal tastes.

And yes Shambles, I can see how much it would confuse the locals, having all those Morris Men oops sorry and women descending on Chippenham for the day.

