The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111572   Message #2363809
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
11-Jun-08 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Right you are---on how your tax money is spent. Fat lot of good it does you or I. In a perfect world it would work as you describe but, sadly, by your own comments you know it is not a perfect world.

Europeans seem to be your "whipping boy". Europeans and the Holocaust--which killed other Euoropeans. Europeans for all the evils of the world---oh, yes you did mention that there some other miscreants. But why define them.   Are any Middle Eastern people on your list, any Far Eastern ones?   

One of the musical groups I play on my show---Modern Man does a great routine about various ethnic groups--Irish, Jewish, etc; and start with saying---my folks were the Scandinavians---they were a motorcycle gang that used boats. Screwed everything up when the got to Greenland---- burnt and pillaged---they were told you pillage before you burn---damned stupid vikings. Well, they got there and said---..we gonna be real happy here---dark 6 month and colder than shit.

Truly--- a little humor is needed for these commentaries that, frankly, go nowehere except to inflate the ego of the poster. Yes---you can include if you like but, honestly, I am just tired of the pontification of the pompous posters of pap---how is that for alliteration?   Should I submit it to Jon Stewart or just keep doing this for free on my own program?