The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #354   Message #2363911
Posted By: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
11-Jun-08 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: One Meatball - blues song
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: One Meatball - blues song
This is how we sang it in Upstate New York in the 1970s:

A little man came into town,
he wandered 'round and 'round and 'round.

He went into an eating place
and sat him down with modest grace.

He searched his pockets through and through
and found he had just fifteen cents.

He searched the menu through and through
to see what fifteen cents would do.

Alas, the only thing at all
for fifteen cents was one fish ball.

He called the waiter to his side
and in him this he did confide.

The waiter bellowed down the hall
"This gentleman here wants one fish ball!"

The little man coughed, and then he wheezed,
"A little bread, sir, if you please?"

The waiter bellowed down the hall,
"You get no bread with one fish ball!"

The little man coughed, and then he sighed,
walked out into the street and died.

The moral of this story, all:
You get no bread with one fish ball.
