The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111749   Message #2363925
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
11-Jun-08 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Penalty for Bush/Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Death Penalty for Bush/Cheney
"20 x 20 Hindsight will not be admissable.

Mind you in the subsequent coverage some of you might just learn that the decision to invade Iraq was not based on any single issue. In March 2003 that decision was correct and totally justified, and presented with the options available any person sitting in the White House would have done exactly the same thing, give or take a month or two. "

Oh bullshit. As I just said on another thread, 23 million or more hippies, folkies, students and other undesirables had it exactly f'ing right AT THE TIME, and caught a raft of shit from those of you who had it wrong at the time, and still do. It is not hindsight. We saw it. You didn't. But you and your ilk will never admit that.