The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111957   Message #2364061
Posted By: cetmst
12-Jun-08 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: Orange Songs
Subject: RE: Orange Songs
About five years ago I came across an online songbook "The Ulster Orange/Union Loyalist Songbook". On trying to return to it the site is no longer active but I had printed it out. It is mainly lyrics but a few reference the tune the song may be sung to and there are a few chords. Contents are in seven parts:
Part 1
Lili Burlero
Dollie's Brae
The Green Grassy Slopes of the Boyne
The Protetant Boys
The Orange Lilly O!
The Battle of Garvagh
The Old Orange Flute
The Boyne Water
The Sash My Father Wore
Part 2
The Ballad of Lindsey Mooney
The Billy Boys
The Enemies of Ulster
The Courtroom
Ballad of Andrew Craig
Loyal Protestant I
Loyal Protestant II
Ulster Volunteer
The Times They Are a-Changing
Sandy Row
Part 3
When the Old Sash Was New
Up Orangemen Up
The Death of Schomberg
A Fint True-Hearted Protestant
Rise Sons of William
On the Initiation of a Brother
Orange Gathering Song
William of Orange
Part 4
The Orange Flag of Victory
The Orange ABC
The Orange Yeomanry of '98
Derry's Walls
Prentce Boys of Derry
The Pope's Brigade
Ulster to the Rescue
The Orange Tree
You Willimites So True
The Orangeman
The Orange Lark
Part 5
The Orange Banner
Old Father Dan
Succes to the Orange Wherever It Goes
Sons Whose Sires With William Bled
An Advice to Orangemen
The Orange Plant
The Cannon of the 'Prentice Boys
King William's Day
The Battle of the Diamond
Shutting the Gates of Derry
Derry's Deathless Story
Our Contry's Savior
Battle of the Diamond
The Men of Skinner's Alley
Part 6
The Battle of the Diamond
New Protestant Boys
Orange Booven
The Gates of Londonderry
The Arab Orange Lodge
From Street to Street We Marched Away
Croppies Lie Down
From Every Hill and Valley
Shutting the Gates of Derry 2
When the Orange Lilies Grow
A Song for the Yeomen
How Hackett Fell
The Bright Orange Banner
The Crimson Flag of Derry
The Orange Maid of Sligo
Part 7 - Songs Concerning William of Orange from the Pepys Ballads:
A Congratulory Poem
A Third Touch of the Times
The Prince of Orange Welcome
A New Song of the Orange
The Prince of Orange's Triumph, (The Downfall of the Distressed Jesuits)
The Rare Vertue of an Orange (Popery Purged and Expelled Out of the Nation)