The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2364463
Posted By: Bat Goddess
12-Jun-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Cool! A rubber cobra!

I've just got a very realistic rubber snake curled around the beam in the bedroom. I used to have a bigger one curled around the beam in the guest room -- I'll have to see where that one slinked off to so it can greet ClaireBear when she gets here.

Also have a rubber gecko climbing a post downstairs -- I just like to see if anyone notices...

A friend once described our house as looking like the storage wing of the Smithsonian -- I chose to take that as a compliment.

Got rid of an accumulation of egg cartons today (I truly hate to throw out potentially useful things), and a couple magazines. Meant to drop off some yardsale stuff with a retired friend who has a yardsale every weekend, but she wasn't home. It's in the car, so it will get there soon. Hmmm... I wonder if Tami remembers that I'll be bringing her the tape deck this weekend that she "forgot" on the way home from Connecticut over Mother's Day. She may have spaced it, but I haven't. (I was asleep when she got here to pick up her truck.)

This afternoon's project is to extricate the box (on the bottom of the pile, of course) that has the Spinning Wheel magazines in it. Then I can call the guy who is going to PAY me for my accumulations of Wired and Horticulture. Anybody have any ideas as to who might be interested in film magazines from the '80s? I'll have to check out film schools between Boston and NH, I think. And I need to ask the printing museum in Andover, MA if they want a donation of typesetting manuals and other ephemera. Also have to call the guy who buys LPs an see how many I can unload.

And today I Freecycled a bargello kit I'll never get around to doing -- for a pillow I don't need.

While digging around in the cellar the other day I found a bunch more stuff to be eBayed.
