The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111975   Message #2364496
Posted By: Little Robyn
12-Jun-08 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: 'Land without music' (UK 19C) - Why?
Subject: RE: Folklore: 'Land without music' (UK 19C) - Why?
I thought this thread was about the movie 'Land without music'.
I saw it as a kid and it made a big impression. Richard Tauber was in it and Jimmy Durante.
I don't remember the details but it was set in an imaginary country in Europe where music was banned (someone had cloth ears) and the hero was thrown in jail for singing.
I have a vivid menory of Jimmy in a cell singing/shouting Baaaa, baba ba ba baaaa, baba ba ba baaaa. And then someone else (was it the girl?) singing Laaaa, lala la la laaaaa, lala la la laaaaaa.
It dates from about 1938 and I just found it here