The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111998   Message #2364913
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Martin
13-Jun-08 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lisbon Treaty: Ireland votes NO
Subject: RE: Lisbon Treaty: It's up to the Irish
It's looking like the 'No's' have won it!

I think this was all about a) the Irish people considering that they were being ridden over roughshod b)the whole thing was a complete dog's breakfast by the EU & Irish Government, not enough was explained what it was all about until the very last minute, and then, we only seemed to get half the story; people were, not surprisingly very suspicious, especially after the Bertie Ahern debacle and general mistrust in the government after the Shannon Airport scandal in the West, amongst other things. I think they just felt they wanted some kind of revenge and this was a channel to do it!