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Thread #111998   Message #2365457
Posted By: Connacht Rambler
13-Jun-08 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lisbon Treaty: Ireland votes NO
Subject: RE: BS: Lisbon Treaty: Ireland votes NO
I started the original, pre-referendum thread, but I'm happy with this one as it has stirred so many people to join in.
I am pro-EU. But if constitutional changes are being made which will have consequences for decades to come, I think it is all the people of Europe and not unelected officials or second-guessing representatives, who must decide (Look at the number of Irish TDs (MPs) who got it so wrong).
Now I just hope the rest of EU voters will stand up for their rights.
I realise that drafting a treaty that is understood and accepted by a EU-wide majority is not an easy task. That is the challenge France and Germany should be addressing instead of, as the latest news suggests, railroading through the Lisbon document.