The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111998   Message #2365566
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
13-Jun-08 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lisbon Treaty: Ireland votes NO
Subject: RE: BS: Lisbon Treaty: Ireland votes NO
>"What are they going to do, make us an offer we can't refuse?"
>Fortunately there aren't enough horses heads in the whole of Europe for that, Bonnie

It's the other end of the horse I'm worried about. There sure are enough of those.

I'm not anti-EU. I'm anti the Lisbon Treaty. One is not necessarily the same as the other. The abrogation of what I regard as basic human rights is what bothers me. Once gone, no amount of shouting and teeth-gnashing is going to get them back because: How do you do it, with no direct vote? If you allow your constitution - which is what gave us this referendum in the first place - to be neutered by those with outside interests? If you grant carte blanche solely to career politicians with their own agendas, which always will come ahead of yours? I believe the only reason the treaty was uniformly ratified by the other countries is because their populations were legally gagged. Is that the only way they can deal with the opposition? Give away your sovereignty and there IS no opposition. (That scenario remind you of anything?)

Economic issues - which fluctuate and always will - pale in comparison with having a voice in how your government governs you. Especially with so much dishonesty in high places, where they do it Because They Can. Why give them even more power to potentially abuse? Look what's happened already.