The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52618   Message #2365781
Posted By: Piers Plowman
14-Jun-08 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Jingles you remember.
Subject: RE: Jingles you remember.
Lincoln, Lincoln, I've been thinkin'
Better carpeting for less!
Call National two nine-thousand,
National two nine-thousand!

(With an infuriating catch on "two". At least, I think it was "two". For decades this has been floating around in my brain and I never had any doubt about the phone number --- until I tried to type it.)

Hudson three two seven hun-dred!
(Sung in a very low voice. This was the jingle for some other company, I can't remember which one.)

"Lincoln" and "Hudson" were the names of telephone exchanges (in Chicago). Using letters for the first two numbers is an old-fashioned way of giving phone numbers. Hey, is this the modern folklore?