The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111884   Message #2365942
Posted By: Peace
14-Jun-08 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Celebrate 'Folk'
Subject: RE: Celebrate 'Folk'
Thank you for your kind words; however, this thread is not about me, nor do I wish it to be. (As a btw, that is one of two albums whereon I wish my songs would just disappear.)

One day I received a CD in the mail from a brilliant singer/songwriter who frequents this place. He has the rare ability to cut to the heart of matters and he did so BIG TIME on his CD entitled "Life's Eyes." Many moons ago when I was in the 'pits of despair' he sent e-mails and messages to me with his insights and his humour. He was kind enough to listen to a few songs I was considering for a CD and his encouragement was at once sincere and heart-lifting. To say I like the man would be a severe understatement. George Papavgeris is an individual I would really like to meet. Hope that happens someday. (BTW, George, I will get that review of "Life's Eyes" done this week. It's a beautiful work of art all the way from the songs and the delivery to the 'liner notes' and the art work.) George's site.

Another person who means a great deal to me as a person, friend and musician is Big Al Whittle--known on Mudcat as Wee Little Drummer. He exemplifies a kind of courage there seems not to be enough of in this world. In many correspondences back and forth I have come to see a great sense of humour in him, a sharp mind and an ability to write that makes me feel like a 'novice in a nunnery'. To this day I don't know how he got so 'involved' in characters from the American west--frontier days--but he did and his songs as a result are excellent, both as songs and as insights into the history of the times. Al, I can never thank you sufficiently for your encouragement to me during some really hard times. I know this post will get you all embarrassed, so allow me to say this: Suck it up, Buttercup! (That was me being sensitive and tender.) Al's Site.