The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21846   Message #236654
Posted By: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
31-May-00 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Gaughan on the nature of 'Tradition'
Subject: RE: Gaughan on the nature of 'Tradition'
Not really.....I feel that when one examines preferences tied to dimensions of songs such as those of political and literal meaning they soon become personal and arbitrary and small when compared with all of the other dimensions of the song- and its performance.

If you can not bear a song just because some find it divisive or you do not agree with the meaning of the verse IMHO you are not looking far enough to find value- sort of like tossing out a perfectly good bannana because of a blotch on its skin.

If you are not going to play or perform a song I would like to see judgement done on many levels contributing to your conclusion and, your conclusion should be consistant with your behavior -that is if you object to all divisive songs or songs of political identity/solidarity you should object to ALL of them not just the songs of those with whom you do not agree.

You can object to the songs but simply state that you do not agree with the point of view- dont use the excuse that you do not sing any and all such songs when you do and have recorded them.

In my experience most people in a crowded pub which draws from a large cosmopolitan urban audience listen least to the political/religious messages/dimensions of songs- try it- ask a few what you have just sung! That is why so many musicians feel they have to stop and lecture on the meaning of songs which are perfectly clear if you can hear the lyrics......There are more dimensions to music than one.

Having discussed this topic with several prominent musicians and singers I have found that the reason they do not sing certain songs is not because they do not believe the song has value but because they will not be hired if they sing them- the quest for money and mainteneance of livelyhood necessitates the abandonment of the quest for equality and tolerance of the entire tradition. I understand but it does not make it good or right.

Then there is also fear of what the audience will do. And again the intollerent are rewarded. Yes! I believe that unionists,loyalists, and orangemen should be able to listen/play to the music of the other side and there are ways to do this without giving up your own beliefs.

Of the Orangemen a good number now... I have taken around to the Irish Pubs in our area none had any problem listening to the rebel songs performed. I ask them about this and they tell me that they were concentrating on the voice of the singer and the quality of the guitar or flute playing. I think that the importance of maintaining the divide is overstated and the sooner we stop maintaining it the sooner it will become transparent.

I think the word showcase is a funny one! I never get into a case to play music. Cant quite understand its use. It is too much a marketing thing and I dont think musicians need marketing or stages or anything else but to play music....

Yes! I think the word (tradition) has been hijacked by those who wish to make a fairly unified tradition appear to be divided when it is really not divided at all. The sooner we open their ears and minds and teach them to respect the treasures that are songs in all of their dimensions then the sooner we will see a tradition which is accessible to all.

How can anyone hate a parade if they let it be a parade? We need more parades in this world not fewer! The Lambeg is a wonderous thing- you know you can find people who will tell you hate any instrument if you look far enough- it doesnt mean that the things are hateful. dourness is a really bad protestant habbit. then again an excess of levity seen at some St.Patricks day parades is also not entirely pleasant.

Conrad Bladey