The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2366906
Posted By: lady penelope
16-Jun-08 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
If a session is specifically advertised as being open to all (as the session in question was) it really should have been kept along those lines.

No one session can satisfy every musicians tastes or wants, eg being a singer who doesn't play an instrument, I don't tend to go to sessions that are dominated by instruments. But that's the point. If I'm given the idea that what I'm attending is a singers session and it ends up being dominated by instrumentalists, I'm gonna be p*ssed off. Same goes for the Session Charley was at.

It's a poor show by the the session organisers. If it put Charley off, how many other people did it put off? It can put people off entire festivals, as they'll go away with the idea that the place is unwelcoming. Because at the end of the day, if the session organisers aren't going to bother their backsides, no one indvividual will feel as if they can say anything either. There isn't much else you can do but walk out.

Bit sad really.