The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367296
Posted By: Polite Guest
16-Jun-08 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
From me:

"You are it's future, you are it's lifeblood, you therefore carry a huge responsibilty upon your shoulders."

From you:

Please elaborate on aforementioned responsibility. I play a great deal of genres, both for pleasure and professionally. I fail to see how we as youngsters carry a responsibility for folk music.

Well, the people before you have been carrying it for the past 40 years. If it's too much trouble for you to take that responsibility up, then stay in another genre.

If people enjoy any genre of music it will thrive. If support for a genre of music dies out the genre follows suit.

The music is only as good as those who perform it. If that performance comes with the wrong attitude, it will damage your performance.

The music I play with the musicians I'm priveleged to play with doesn't actually seem to be dying. If, as you seem to think, Polite Guest, I carry a responsibilty for singer/songwriters of the folk persuasion then I feel you are mistaken.

The music you play is NOT dying for the simple fact that it has been in the hands of many people who care deeply about it, for a very long time. You are merely part of the procession, carrying it on to your children, yet to be born, and to theirs.

If there is public support for any genre then It will never die. In my experience the music I play is supported by both punters and professionals, obviously I can't please everyone but neither can you, or indeed anyone.

If you regard your audience merely as 'punters' then you have no right to be in the folk world. 'Punters' are merely people to whom you sell something, usually taking from them, for your own advantage.
You will never please your audience if you look down upon them. ALWAYS look up to them, apart from those inconsiderate bastards who have no respect for you, of course.

Please don't be yet another person who tells me about young peoples responsibility to preserve folk music and then grumble when it's not how you did it X number of years ago. Traditions evolve just like everything else does.I don't force you to listen my music.

Trust me, there is no-one who understands what you say more. I have been hanged, drawn and quatered for loving folk music. I have been pillioried for wanting more and more young people to come into it. I do NOT want you coming into it being beige, bland and boring, but this music means a great deal, to many. By all means take it to new exciting places, liven it up, liven up the way it is delivered, make it your own, but always remember that it belongs to others too, and it means a huge amount to them.

The music is OURS, not yours, not mine.