The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367310
Posted By: Ruth Archer
16-Jun-08 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
Oh PoliteGuestLizzieCornish, I wondered how long it would be before you stuck your oar in. Get over yourself - you've never even been to the Big Session. For someone who moans about the Folk Police, you can lay down the law when you want to. Pious and self-righteous much? If any of them was proclaimed to be the next Seth Lakeman, you'd be getting your post-menopausal knickers in a twist and drooling all over their melodeons (not recommended - it ruins the reeds). I recommend you stay away from The Ship during Folk Week, or you'll be coming over all queer...

Coolasfolkbrigade, the Port Drinker says please bring more port next time. And she wants a free t-shirt.

Everyone is always moaning about there not being enough young people in folk. Well, these guys are some of the front line. They're young, and shit-hot talents. Before getting arsey about whether they fiulfilled their "brief" or not, why not ask them what they were actually asked to do? Whether they were asked to lead sessions, or simply play?

I have seen them on many occasions and have never seen them ridicule other players who want to join in. I did explain that, because they play together a lot, they have developed a kind of synergy. I have watched a dozen or so other musicians gradually join them at Towersey, or at Sidmouth, or at Warwick, and have no trouble at all. But they do play collectively, and instinctively. God knows we can't have that in folk.