The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367325
Posted By: Polite Guest
16-Jun-08 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
From Ruth Archer:

"Oh PoliteGuestLizzieCornish, I wondered how long it would be before you stuck your oar in. Get over yourself - you've never even been to the Big Session. For someone who moans about the Folk Police, you can lay down the law when you want to. Pious and self-righteous much? If any of them was proclaimed to be the next Seth Lakeman, you'd be getting your post-menopausal knickers in a twist and drooling all over their melodeons (not recommended - it ruins the reeds). I recommend you stay away from The Ship during Folk Week, or you'll be coming over all queer..."

From me, to someone else:

"Never ever make anyone feel 'excluded' in the folk world. I've been there, done that, had it thrown at me in huge dollops. It's unpleasant, it hurts, it creates very bad feeling can even risk damaging how someone feels about the music."

Therein lies the lesson of this thread.

I hope you are able to understand now young folkies, and I hope that you all go on to great things, with those words ringing in your ears. Never treat anyone like that, it's not what this world or this music is about.