The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367568
Posted By: Polite Guest
17-Jun-08 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
"You will not find any reference anywhere to Cool as Folk Brigade or any such as this is a term originating from the OP possibly based on the T-Shirt worn by one of the musicians which has written upon it the words "Folk is Cool"."

Just a thought here, but if this thread is to be about anything, other than a few lessons being learned, why not have it as the birth of a new folk 'supergroup' called (altogether now)...

'Cool As Folk'

Get yourselves recorded somehow, put some photos, info and tracks up on a Myspace page and VOILA!

Stop being 'insignificant', get yourselves organised, get yourselves together and....get going on getting yourselves 'out there' where *everyone* can find you, see you and hear you.

Harness your talent, your energy and enthusiasm and you'll be surprised what may start to happen.

Out of the ashes and all that...

Oh out Bellowhead! :-)