The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2367627
Posted By: GUEST,Frank F.
17-Jun-08 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus

The local politicians you refer to are the councillors for the area. As the site that Clasac was built on is owned by Dublin City Council and leased to Comhaltas at a negligible rate the councillors have a very direct interest in this controversy.

One question for you! Do you think that the Dept of Arts, Sport and Tourism would have given funded the Clasac development had they known beforehand that it would have had the direct and almost immediate consequence of dissolving a vibrant branch of over 400 members thereby putting at risk the promotion and propagation of Irish music and culture in Dublin and beyond?
(And it is a direct consequence - without funding there would be no clasac and without clasac there would be no dissolution!)