The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367680
Posted By: Polite Guest
17-Jun-08 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
Sorry Houston, I posted that without having seen your apology. However, I still stand by what I've said about Tom. I have not 'attacked' anyone in here, if you look at my posts more carefully you will see that.

I have however, been attacked, repeatedly, by one poster. I do not and will not respond to such low behaviour any longer, because those posts say far more about the poster, than I ever could.

I hope you have a lovely Sidmouth. I, these days, no longer enjoy it in the same way I once did, because the constant baiting, rudeness and attacks make me want to stay away from much of it now. I no longer write about it, where once I wrote 15,000 words about it. The joy has been replaced by a seething anger, brought about by those who deem this world to be theirs.

Sidmouth was once one of my great loves. That love has died. I hope those who have managed to achieve that, feel proud of themselves.

But I still love the music, still play it, still write about it, from time to time, but no, not as I once did.


You tell me....

I no longer understand those who seek to destroy this wonderful world, who seek to exclude, or humiliate someone, over and over and over.

So yes, good manners, kindness, thoughtfulness, can take this world out to pastures new. Bad manners or downright unpleasantness however, can destroy it. It is therefore vital to ensure that younger people and indeed (and far more sadly) some OLDER people understand that.

It is the older people who have been on my back for so long, never the fact some of them have been downright supportive, and I thank them all for that.

For the younger ones to be taught by gracious people, such as Tom Bliss, is an excellent thing.