The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89754   Message #2367845
Posted By: Peace
17-Jun-08 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Walkaboutsverse
Subject: RE: Walkaboutsverse
Gentlemen: If you need seconds, Little Hawk and I will be happy to help in that regard. I dislike rising before the sun, and at my age staying awake after sundown is a chore. Perhaps we could agree to high noon as determined by the vernal equinox or Mr Timex, whatever is easier. I'd prefer the Timex because at noon I like to nap, and sometimes noon on the watch is not noon in the vernal equinox. Also, I have NO idea what the vernal equinox really is. Venereal equinox: that I would understand. Crabs, no problem. But Vernal? Nope. So, to clarify, what say we all meet at the corner of two agreed upon streets. Come bringing your preferred weapons--I have a distaste for LOUD NOISES, so anything over ten kilotons is a no-no, and we'll let nature take it from there. Lemme know.

(LH, we are gonna capture this on film. The flash from the weapon might over expose the final frame, so bring really dark filters.)