The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112030   Message #2367876
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
17-Jun-08 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Pewter Tankards
Subject: RE: Folklore: Pewter Tankards
"drinking proper 'beer' "

That speaks volumes. You are imposing limitations on what constitutes "proper". It is wonderful that you enjoy your "real ale", but that does not make it the only beer that is "proper".

The godawful shows that are inflicted on you are purchased by your own broadcasters, so I would make your complaints known to them. It is very true that the major advertisers are the beers that you detest, and obviously has clouded your view of the world. That is a shame and I wish you luck in improving your conditions.

Don't make assumptions based on what you see on your television. Get out more and search out some different styles of beer!   You might enjoy it! If you ever get to this side of the pond, I would love to take you out for a few pint samples of what we offer.

Incidently, while I do not care for Budweiser either, it is actually a very good example of the style - and it is great for catching slugs in the garden.