The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112030   Message #2367951
Posted By: Marje
17-Jun-08 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Pewter Tankards
Subject: RE: Folklore: Pewter Tankards
I don't think I'd regard Webster's as an authority on ale/beer terminology as it applies in the UK. I'd prefer to consult CAMRA, who explain it most clearly and eloquently here: (sorry, can't do Blickies)

AS this shows, CAMRA coined the "Real Ale" tag at a time when real (cask-conditioned) ales were being replaced by tasteless and heavily promoted keg beers, and the "real" ones were simply unavailable in large areas of the UK, a trend which has seen a huge and welcome reversal.

As to the strength, real ales vary quite a bit - the average may be about 4% alcohol, but the normal ales range from about 3.5 to 5.5, with "Special" brews, perhaps at Xmas, appearing with 7 or 8% alcohol.

And now back to the trousers - having removed my patchwork ones, I am off to see my tailor to be fitted for some sleek modern trousers in keeping with my age and lifestyle. this will include some elastic at the waist, to allow for future ale consumption.
