The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112047   Message #2367973
Posted By: Ruth Archer
17-Jun-08 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: more session rudeness
Subject: RE: more session rudeness
gin and elderflower, barman.

The thing that is bloody hilarious about this thread is how many other mudcat discussions are devoted to the white-knuckled fear of the tradition dying out - why? Because there aren't enough young people in folk.

So along come a bunch of great young musicians - who only turn up after seeing themselves maligned by people they've never even met - and proceed to be arrogant and daft and take the piss and behave like - guess what? - young people.

Much outrage and pounding of keyboards and sucking of gums ensues: "How dare they be rude and have a laugh and not take us seriously? We are older than them! We know better! We deserve respect!"

And you wonder why you never see anyone under 50 at your clubs...