The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111884   Message #2368669
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
18-Jun-08 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Celebrate 'Folk'
Subject: RE: Celebrate 'Folk'
What I love is (OK, trite comment, but true) is that there are no strangers in Folkdom, only friends I haven't yet met. There are 'Catters whom probably I will never meet, but whom I count among my dear friends (you know who you are, so I'll not embarass you).

I was playing in a third division rock group (that dates me, don't it ?). We did some P P & M numbers on stage, and some of them went down. I was getting more and more interested. Then, October 9th, 1966, at the Navigation, Stockport, I saw Martin Carthy in concert. This was MY "Sam Larner" moment. I sold my bass guitar, bought a nylon-strung guitar, and have loved and played Folk Music since.

It's probably superfluous for me to say that folkies are the truest, most decent people I have ever met - they will go out of their way to do a favour, and move heaven and hell so as not to do a disfavour.

Love to you all.