The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112093   Message #2368760
Posted By: Houston_Diamond
18-Jun-08 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Closing Threads
Subject: RE: Closing Threads
Tom and Ruth,

I appreciate your kind words... I was brought up with Herga folk club and am extremely privileged to have been... I have heard some of the greatest singers, musicians and dancers in the country and anyone who knows the club will realise that there are a lot of children from the residents of that club that have become a big influence on the folk scene today.

I felt a little joke would have cheered people up and also the lyrics of a song I know cheers a lot of people up.

I didn't mean to upset anyone, I also didn't realise that being of child folk stock was an insulting thing to be so I was going to encourage my 2 sons to learn about folk but since there is a stigma attached I think I'll delay it until they are adults and then they can make their own mind up.

I will still read the threads but I am not going to state my opinion unless I have to defend any of my friends. Thank you to all the kind people here.

I'm sorry and pleased that Big Mick closed the thread TBH, hearing that people in other countries looked at a festival in England as being a place to avoid really upset me.

I'm proud of the roots in this country and have pride in seeing them continue as where I live in NW London it is becoming very thin on the ground!

Roll on Sidmouth :D