The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112094   Message #2369963
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
19-Jun-08 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: The English Guitar/Cittern
Subject: RE: The English Guitar/Cittern
It's the first and last words from the full title of my book, IE -
"Walkabouts: travels and conclusions in verse"; and, although I'm not a monarchist, "walkabout" has been used for some time by our media to describe the visits of our various "leaders", such as EW. There is/was also a "Walkabout Guide" for those who visit(ed) Liverpool (see poem 64). But my whole life's work and title really derive from this experience/poem (which you may hear chanted on myspace, minus the recorder intro., which I've only just worked out) -


Once drove an old sedan, up north,
    From a place in Sydney to Cairns;
Then to Kuranda I went forth,
    By train, to look without set plans.

I browsed through the trendy market,
    With fresh fruits of tropical kind;
Walked to the creek through lush thicket -
    Nature's hand giving peace of mind.

I dined in a scenic cafe;
    Then, outside, as I wrote for yen,
Some passing Kooris called-out: "Hey,
    You go walkabout with your pen."

Request or question, I don't know -
    Assured voices, elderly men.
That's now several years ago,
    And I've seen the world - with my pen.
