The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2369999
Posted By: Amos
19-Jun-08 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
From US News:

"Obama Up 5 Nationally In ARG Poll An American Research Group poll of 600 likely voters taken June 13-17 shows Obama leading McCain 49%-44% nationally.

McCain Up 1 In Ohio A Rasmussen Reports automated poll of 500 likely Ohio voters taken June 17 shows McCain leading Obama 44%-43%.

Obama Edges McCain In Virginia A Public Policy Polling (D) surveyed of 893 likely Virginia voters taken June 14 and 16 shows Obama leading McCain 47%-45%.

Obama Up 12 In New Hampshire An American Research Group poll of 600 likely New Hampshire voters taken June 13-17 shows Obama leading McCain 51%-39%.

Obama Up 9 In Wisconsin A SurveyUSA automated poll of 538 likely Wisconsin voters released June 18 shows Obama leading McCain 52%-43%. The poll also tests a number of potential tickets, and most combinations show an Obama-led ticket leading a McCain-led ticket by 5 to 7 points.

McCain Up 4 In Alaska A Rasmussen Reports automated poll of 500 likely Alaska voters taken June 16 shows McCain leading Obama 45%-41%.

Obama Up 22 In Maine A Rasmussen Reports automated poll of 500 likely Maine voters taken June 16 shows Obama leading McCain 55%-33%."

I just love a good horse race.

Especially when the fate of Western civilization rides on the dark horse, win, place, or show.