The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2370345
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jun-08 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
One thing is for sure and that is public financing leaves alot to be desired... John McCain not only accepted it but used his potential funding as collaterial to eseure a laon to keep his campaign afloat... I don't like that... I mean, these are my tax dollars that are being used as collaterial... Something about this just rubs me wrong...

But worse than that is that after McCain got healthy finacially he changed his mind and then, ahhhhh, seems changed his mind again because the bucks just aren't rollin' his way???

I mean, if we are gonna fund elections with public funds then lets do it... No loopholes... No games... No high paid accountants... Lets just do it... But that's not the way it is set up and until that is fixed then folks are gonna do what they gotta do...

BTW, it's sour grapes on McCain's part to complain about Obama opting out... When things looked good for John he was all for opting out... Now that the bucks ain't coming in the story changes...

"Story changes", Bobert???

Welcome to the "Straight Talk Express" where the story seems to change daily...
