The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2371054
Posted By: Amos
20-Jun-08 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"Since we announced the decision not to accept taxpayer funds for the general election, tens of thousands of people like you have come forward to declare their independence from a broken system.

This decision frees us to build a movement of millions of people giving whatever they can afford to a campaign that is truly reforming the way our political process works.

It also frees us to take our campaign for change to parts of the country where Democratic presidential candidates haven't spent too much time in the past.

Our first television ad of the general election season goes on the air today.

Sure, we're on the air in places like Ohio and Florida, the typical battleground states. But we're also on the air in North Dakota, Montana, and Alaska -- places that have emerged as competitive because of the unprecedented grassroots energy supporting our campaign.

These ads are supporting a 50-state ground operation that is being built right now by staff, volunteers, and thousands of Obama Organizing Fellows.

But we have our work cut out for us, and we need to grow this movement. Right now, you can declare your independence and help us run a campaign that is funded by the people and for the people.

If you make your first donation today, a fellow supporter is standing by to match your gift and double your impact. You can even choose to exchange a note with them and share why you are supporting this campaign.

Add your voice to our movement by making a matching donation now:

Choosing not to accept these taxpayer funds was not an easy decision. I remain committed to fundamental campaign finance reform, and as president I will work to fix this broken system.

But we're facing opponents who have become masters at gaming the broken system as it stands today -- collecting money from Washington lobbyists, special interest PACs, and relying on so-called 527 groups that can take unlimited contributions to peddle lies and smears.

We have chosen to do things differently. You can see for yourself what kind of people own our campaign -- each of these folks have made a donation in the last 24 hours:

Sandra from Tennessee:

"I'm on disability and can't afford to give much but I figure the $10 is worth it. This is the first time in a long time that even the ones who can't afford it are giving, and are excited about a candidate and excited about the process."

Monica from South Carolina:

"The way that this primary and now this general election campaign have been funded truly gives the power to the citizens that are voting. This administration will owe the American people, not lobbyists and special interests groups."

Mauve from Iowa:

"THIS is true public financing. Getting average Americans from all backgrounds and tax brackets to care enough and to believe enough and to hope enough to give what they can."

Tim from Texas:

"Today, for the first time in my life, I contributed to a political campaign. I did so because I have always believed that true power rests with the people, if only those people could be organized. We have the power to take back our country from the special interest groups. There are more of us and when we act together, we are the force that can dictate the direction our country will take."

(Excerpt from an Obama email).


A lot of screed for very little signal...maybe you could use hyperlinks to improve the ratio.